This is the second of three visions of what the Lord shared about the coming rain.
I was driving down the road one day and the Lord asked me, "Do you love me?"
“Yes,” I answered.
He then said, “Pull into this parking lot.” It was a big Target parking lot, shared with many stores. He asked again, “Do you love me?”
I answered, “Yes, Lord.”
“Park in the middle of the parking lot.” I did so. He asked again, “Do you love me?”
I answered, “Yes, Lord.”
He then told me, “Get on the back of your truck.” I got on the back of my truck and turned around in front of the cab. At the time, I thought He was going to ask me to preach to the people in the parking lot. He asked me, “What do you see?”
I answered, “I only see a few people. If you want me to preach, wouldn’t it be better if there were a lot more people?”
Instantly, the scenery changed into an open-eyed vision and I saw more people walking around the parking lot. I also saw small dragons, about the size of a medium to large size dog on each person. There were about three to four of them per person. Two were flying around them and two were clinging onto them. The dragons were agitating the person that they were assigned to and they were also agitating other dragons that were assigned to other people near by. They did this so that everyone would feel the evil that the dragons were emanating. The people didn’t see the dragons agitating other dragons, although they were responding as if the people around them were causing all the agitation. They were responding aggressively toward one another; full of emotion. The people were being evil to each other and it was obvious to me that this is why the dragons were working this way.
Then, my eyes looked up in the sky, about where a helicopter would fly, and I saw six big dragons about the size of a big city bus. I could see they were huge and very powerful.
Then, my eyes looked even higher, about where a prop plane would fly, and I saw three very big dragons and they were more powerful than the others. These dragons are the principalities and powers of the air.
Then, the Lord commanded me, “Call them.”
I replied, “Call who, Lord?”
Again He commanded, “Call them”
I replied again, “Lord, call who?”
He didn’t hesitate, and again commanded, “Call them!”
In the vision, it was daytime and the sun was in the sky. As the Lord was telling me to “call them”, I was looking around and didn’t see anyone to call. After the Lord commanded me the last time, I noticed there was a brighter light than the sun on the horizon. It was like the rising of the sun, although sunrise had already passed. As I was looking, I could feel the glory of the Lord coming from the brighter light. I immediately knew that it was the angels of the Lord that He was commanding me to call.
Full of excitement I cried out, “Come on! Come on!”. As I did, the angels bringing the light and glory of the Lord, began to rise in the sky as the sun does. The very big dragons could feel the glory and they looked to see where it was coming from. When they saw the angels of the Lord coming, they fled. The big dragons looked up and saw that their covering was gone and turned and saw the angels coming and they fled also. The dragons flying around the people and the dragons clinging to the people could feel a difference in the air. The evil was no longer raining down on the Earth. They looked and saw the big and very big dragons were gone, then they turned and saw the angels coming and they fled from the angels. The dragons were left and the angels took over the sky.
There was a transition from an evil, oppressive atmosphere to the angels of the Lord raining the glory of the Lord down on the people. The people felt the glory, the love, the peace and the joy of the Lord. The people who once were very agitated and harsh with one another while the dragons were occupying the air, became apologetic to one another and began to ask for forgivenes. They were saying things like, “I don’t know why I was acting that way. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” They were set free, and could no longer feel the heavy oppression of the dragons. The oppression was replaced with God’s raining glory that was carried by the angels!
Later, while I was sharing the vision with someone, the Lord asked me, “What were the dragons in the sky doing?”
I thought for a second and answered the Lord, “I don’t know.” These big dragons and very big dragons were not visibly doing anything. I went back to sharing the vision, and as I spoke I prophesied, “The big dragons in the sky were raining evil oppression down on the people.” I was surprised at what I had said because I did not know this before. It was very important to know that the dragons were raining evil oppresion down on people because it tied together this Vision of Dragons with The Vision of the Tsunami, The Trip to Heaven and God’s declaration that “It’s getting ready to rain”.
It is all prophetic to what is getting ready to happen on the Earth. As a good friend once told me, “It’s getting ready to rain.”, only this time, it will be the Lord’s rain!
“Our battle is not against flesh and blood but with powers and principatities of the air”.
Ephesians 6:12
“Now is the time for Judgement on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out.”
John 12:31
“I looked, and there before me was a white horse! It’s rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqeror bent on conquest.”
Revelation 6:2
This is a vision of the first seal being broken (Revelation 6:1-2), the former and the latter rains (Joel 2:23) and the beginning of the final harvest (Revelation 14:15-16;18). In the final harvest people will be seeking out Christians and running up to them crying out, “Tell us how to have eternal life! Help us! Please! We want to be with this beautiful, loving God!”
“Before you can get your net in the water, the fish will be jumping in the boat.”
Remember that the judgement is for the spirit of this world and his system, not for the people (Matthew 25:41c). For God so loved the people on the earth that he sent his only begotten son to buy back what the serpent had stolen from them (John 3:16; Epehsians 2:11-16; Genesis 3) . Let us not forget the Father’s decleration in the garden to the serpent, “because you have done this... I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head...” (Genesis 3:14-15).
To read the other visions click here, To learn more about the raining glory that is to come click here.
To read the other visions click here, To learn more about the raining glory that is to come click here.
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