This is the third and last vision of what the Lord shared about the coming rain.
Around the year of 1998, I came to a realization. I was hearing many stories about people in the church. Stories about how they were hurting each other and how they were struggling with problem after problem. I heard them talk about how angry or frustrated they were and how they were filled with other negative emotions. I had been going to church and reading the bible for many years. Yet after thinking about all of this, I realized that I was in the same boat that the people in the church were in.
I was going to a church where they claimed to be spirit-filled. None of it made sense. It didn't add up. I woke up and wondered, "Who is God?" Who the church said He is and how they were portraying a life filled with Him didn't match. It painted a picture of a weak God that couldn't do anything for anybody. I realized that I didn't know God and neither did they.
Then, I cried out to God. "Who are You? They nailed You to a cross. You could have destroyed them, but You didn't. They punched and spat in Your face. If they did that to me I would have punched them back. And You didn't." I began yelling, "WHO ARE YOU? They stripped You naked and laughed at You. They mocked You. I would have been furious. I would have been embarrassed, yet You weren't. You loved them... Who are You?" As I asked Him that last time I began to weep, "Who are You? I can read the bible and it tells me Who You are but I still don't know Who You are. The words don't show me Who You are. The bible doesn't line up with what is happening in the church now. Who are You?"
This was a Sunday morning and I was getting ready to go to church. We had a guest singer that day. She sang a song that quoted 1 Corinthians 13. As she sang the third verse explaining what love is, God said to me, "Jim, this is Who I am." I burst into tears and began to feel peace. Until later, I got home and began praying. I started thinking about the scripture and how I've read it so many times. I realized that I still didn't understand and I cried out to God, "This isn't good enough. I still don't understand. WHO ARE YOU?" The Lord did not answer my prayer until many years later.
In May 2005, a brother said to me, "The Lord wants to take you to heaven to show you something." He was prophesying about the Lord wanting to show me Who HE is.
Early 2006. the Lord said to me, "I'm going to lift the veil. You are going to see me more clearly. Then, I'm going to kiss you on the lips and fill you with My passion."
Later in 2006, the Lord led me into a time of praying and fasting. As I was in prayer, in a vision Jesus was passing by me with His hand out to me and said, "Come on. I want to show you something." I was leaning up against a wall inside of a tunnel carved out of stone. The tunnel was lit by torches. I jumped up and took His hand. He took me down a path in the tunnel that led to an arched wooden door. The door handle was a steel ring. He pulled on the ring and opened the door.
The Storeroom of Vessels
As He opened the door, He told me, "This is the room I keep My vessels in." As we looked in the room, I noticed there were clay vessels covering the floor.
He asked me, "Do you see the vessels over here?" Pointing to the right side of the room, He spoke again, " These are the vessels set aside for destruction. I love them the same as all my vessels, though they reject Me and refuse to allow Me to clean them and care for them. They don't believe in Me. Instead, they reject Me and want nothing to do with Me. They hunger for evil and the desires of this world." He paused, then said, "They run to their destruction." As He said this, I could tell He wanted more for them.
Vessels in Progress
He then pointed to the middle of the room, "Do you see these vessels? These are the ones I am working on. They are in all different stages. Some let Me in and some even call out to Me. Some have not even heard about Me, and others think they know Me, though they also like the world and the things of the world. They let the things of the world defile them and draw them from me."
Then, He asked me, "Do you know why they allow the world in, even though it blinds them?" I answered, "No, Lord." "Because of pride. Though I bought them and their freedom form the world with My very life, their pride says, 'I can do what I want and fill myself with what I want.' They don't come to Me with the heart of a child. They allow the world I have set them free from to gain control over them again, thus blinding them from My love and robbing them of intimacy with Me. If only they knew My love for them and my plan for them to remain pure and holy, set aside for My good work. To walk in My love and My righteousness. To seek Me with all their hearts. To be perfect as I am perfect." He paused and said, "Their hearts are not fully toward Me. They don't come to Me with the heart of a child."
The Pure and Holy Vessels
He pointed to the vessels on the left side of the room, "Do you see these vessels? These are My pure and holy vessels. When I clean them out they stay clean. They only want what I want and do what I say because their hearts are fully committed to Me. They love Me and seek for Me, and walk in My love and righteousness." As the Lord talked about these vessels, I could here in His voice His joy and pleasure in their sacrifice for Him.
Jesus said, "Look." He held His hand over one of the pure and holy vessels and sprinkled something in it. That vessels began to shake and something began to bubble up out of it. The liquid kept spilling over the top and running down the floor. As the liquid touched the pure and holy vessels around it, they all began to react the same way. This kept multiplying until all the pure and holy vessels were reacting to the work of His hand. I asked Him what He put in that one, He told me, "Love. Though, anything I put in one such as these it multiplies and bears much fruit." After this, we left the room and walked further down the path.
He Lifted the Veil
We traveled the path until we came to a very large veil. The veil looked very thick and heavy. The Lord reached over and lifted the bottom left corner and said, "Look." Light came beaming out of the corner. I bent over to look in the corner. As I looked. I ended up on the other side of the veil, next to the Lord Jesus1.
To See Him More Clearly
I saw billowy clouds2 in front of me and they were filled with the bright light. The light was the Glory of God. As I stood there, I couldn't think because the Glory of God was so thick in the atmosphere.
As I was standing next to Jesus, I began to feel another Person constantly moving around me. This was the Spirit of God. Although I could not see the Spirit like I could see Jesus, I could feel where He was at all times because of the Glory emanating from Him. He was moving continuously in a swirling and twirling motion all around me. I could feel His playfulness and I could tell that He was having a lot of fun playing with me. Then, He blew through me as if I were loose fabric, filling every fiber of my being. Every time He came inside of me the Glory intensified even more so than when it was surrounding me3.
Are there any words to describe the awesome Glory of God? No! Though there are none, this my best description: First, there is a strong power, very strong. Yet the power is very pleasing. It washes through and around you. The Glory is so intense it is indescribable. Each attribute that you feel in His Glory was so incredible nothing in this world comes close to it. The predominant attributes that you feel in His Glory are His love, peace and bliss, although it is not limited to these. The strong love, peace, and joy are with such intensity you can hardly stand in it, because He is so GOOD! No words can describe the level of His Glory that filled me and everything around.
The Kiss on the Lips and the Filling of His Passion
I began soaking in the Glory that so strongly filled me and surrounded me. As I got lost in the feeling of intensity from His Glory, the magnitude of it captivated me where I lost focus of everything around me. When I regained sight of what was in front of me, I realized that the Spirit was no longer twirling and swirling. I saw that the clouds were now flat like nimbostratus clouds that you see during heavy rain. They were grey and looked as though they were filling up with water, yet the Glory remained in the atmosphere.
There was a light beneath the rain clouds off to the distance. This light source filled everything with light and the was the Glory. The level of Glory intensified even higher and I could tell that the source of this intensified Glory was coming from the light.
As I was looking out over the clouds, a very strong Presence came up through the clouds and made His way over to us. I could not see this Presence. This was God the Father. The Glory increased in the intensity as I felt Him come up on top of the clouds. I could feel Him making His way over to where me and Jesus were standing, although I could not see Him. He came around and then stood two feet in front of me. When He stood in front of me I lifted my arms up to shield myself because the Glory was so powerful and His pleasure was so intense. I felt like I was overloaded with His Glory. It was more than I could handle. I was groaning with intense pleasure from His Glory. He is the source of all Glory. This was much more powerful than the Glory that was first filling the air.
Then, the Father, that I could not see, though strongly felt, passed completely through me. -This was Glory overload!- I went from groaning to yelling uncontrollably at the top of my lungs within seconds. I can't even describe the power and feeling I felt as He went through me. I could hardly stand it. Then, He turned around and passed through me again. He did this, back and forth, three times. Each time overwhelming me and causing the same reaction from me. As He came through my back the last time, He turned facing me as if He was going to pass through again. He paused as if He was watching me, then He turned and went back the way He came under the clouds4.
The Revelation
Now, about this time I came to the revelation, "Oh boy! I'm in heaven!" Some may think, "Are you slow?" My answer would be, "No. When you are in this extreme Glory realm there isn't room or desire for your own thoughts. He consumes all that and more. The power of His Glory is so captivating, nothing else matters. After I realized this is heaven, I started to think, "I want to see the kingdom and the throne and more!"
The Lord knew my thoughts and asked me, "Do you want to see where the kingdom is?"
"Yes, Lord!" I was getting excited because all I could see were clouds, I didn't even get to see Who passed through me. I wanted to see stuff! Well, He didn't show me the kingdom, although He pointed out to me, "Do you see where the light is coming through the clouds?"
"That is where the kingdom is."
My response was not based on being content, "What are all these clouds doing here?" I wasn't satisfied and it showed. If you ever go to heaven on a field trip, warning: do not grumble! Immediately, I found myself jumping out of the chair I was sitting on in my office. I was in total shock and asked, "Lord. What just happened?"
Once I became calm and realized I was back on earth, I could feel something I never noticed before. I realized how dirty it is here. I felt like I had came back to sewage. It felt so filthy here that I couldn't stand to be here anymore. There was such a contrast. I begged the Lord, "Take me back. Please don't leave me here. It's dirty here." I felt the heavy oppression. I understood more clearly the verse in Revelation 2:13, " I know where you live--where Satan has his throne." I realized the severity of what it meant.
I never noticed this feeling before because I've never been completely free from this world, with the powers that rule the air. In other words, I have never been only in the presence and Glory of God before. The darkness that fills the air here was now very evident and the fact that satan has his throne on this earth. I could feel his oppression everywhere. It seems natural to us like pollution in the air. Until we are completely removed and then brought back you don't notice it. You learn to live with it because you don't know any different.
For the first time in my life I could see the revelation that Jesus spoke of, "Only the Father is good" (Luke 18:19).
It's Getting Ready to Rain
Two days later, the Lord in an audible voice said, "Do you want to know what the clouds are for?"
"Yes, Lord?"
"It's getting ready to rain."
"Rain? What do you mean? It rains in heaven?"
"You don't understand, do you remember what was in the clouds?"
"Yes, Lord. There was light in the clouds."
"You still don't understand. Do you remember what it felt like up there?"
"YES LORD! It was so GOOD! Your Love, Your Glory..."
"That is what is getting ready to rain on the Earth."
The Clouds are Filled With His Glory!
You had to have been there to know what is coming to the Earth. I can try to describe to you the incredible power of His Glory that is in the clouds but the knowledge you get from reading is not as valuable as the knowledge of encountering Him yourself.
The Lord answered my prayer about Who He is. There are two ways of obtaining knowledge. You can become familiar with something or someone through education or through experience. I stood face to face with the Father and now I see Him more clearly through the knowledge of experiencing Him.
The Lord answered my prayer about Who He is. There are two ways of obtaining knowledge. You can become familiar with something or someone through education or through experience. I stood face to face with the Father and now I see Him more clearly through the knowledge of experiencing Him.
To read the other visions click here. To learn more about the raining glory that is to come click here.
1. He Lifted the Veil: The veil is to keep hidden the completion of the Trinity. ↩
2. Cumulus clouds are big billowy white clouds that can reach to 10,000 feet high. They usually come before rain. ↩
3. To See Him More Clearly: When the Lord prophesied to me and said that I was going to see Him more clearly He wasn’t talking about visually discerning Him. He meant that I was to experience or witness Him more distinctly. ↩
4. The Kiss on the Lips and the Filling of His Passion: Kiss is defined as ‘a gentle touch’. When He passed through me it was anything but gentle, but for God I guess that was gentle. Passion is defined as ‘a very powerful or overmastering emotion.' It is uncontrollable. ↩