The Elisha Rain, best known as the final harvest, is a preordained time where God will make Himself known to all on the earth. People who have not yet experienced a relationship with God will get to participate in the union of Christ for the first time. This will include people who have not yet heard the good news of Christ, as well as well-known "leaders" in the church who never knew God intimately. It is a time where He is made publicly visible, exposing every eternal element of who He is through atmospheric change. Atmospheric change is an influential shift in the mood or tone over a place or situation. In The Elisha Rain, God will influence an elevation of universal joy upon all the earth with His tangible good pleasures.
As humans, we express ourselves through endless avenues such as creativity, communication, affection, etcetera. When introducing ourselves, we begin a process of giving away pieces of who we are so that others can understand what we enjoy and what we are all about. We draw attention to the talents that make us different from others. This is just one way we are created in the image of God.
Even though God is surpassing beyond our understanding, He wants to come to express to us His depths. God's visibility is not a distant, shallow figure for our eyes to merely see Him. He is not satisfied with short meet-and-greets, instead, He wants us to know Him in a personal way. His desire is to show us who He is and the things He enjoys through the action of loving us. This love will not fit into our limited box of what we thing love is. This type of love consumes all of our senses. This is how the Lord will fill the earth's air during The Elisha Rain. This atmosphere change is known as His tangible glory.
Although, God makes Himself fully available to us through Christ today, many have not received Him. Some haven't simply because they've never heard of the gospel. Others refuse to follow Christ because of false doctrine they were taught. In result of this false doctrine, God is often misunderstood. They believe God to be someone who He is not. A popular example of false rumors about God is that He is distant (far away in heaven), cranky (mad at everyone), and without integrity (says He loves everyone, but rejects those who aren't good enough). These things may not be true about God, but they are true about some who claim to represent Him. Today, people find many obstacles that get in their way of accepting God. Yet, He is sending the rain of His glory so that no one will miss the opportunity to encounter the presence of who He truly is.
Let us not forget that His glory is available to us individually, now. Most of us bypass this invitation. We miss the truth because resting and relying doesn't feel like purpose to us. Until, that is, we slip into this place of rest and relying on Him, then we realize how it fulfills every desire. Still, now there is a suppression in the air that tries to smother the good news. If we really believe this mysterious truth is meant just for us, nothing can keep us from attaining it. All we have to do is take God's invitation.
A few walk in a small measure of this glory realm that goes beyond our human thinking, experiencing extraordinary miracles such as living without eating or drinking, translation of the body, raising the dead and so on. Yet, there is so much more. Soon, God will hold nothing back. When evil is driven out, this glory becomes an even more concentrated experience. The drink of His love becomes so strong that it cannot slip away from us. When this is experienced corporately, the glory of God only intensifies, just as a pep rally builds excitement between student. These waves of love will keep coming and they wont stop. There will be peaks and lows of intensity, but when all the dimensions of God are manifest to us the lulls are nothing less than ecstatic raptures.
This rain will feel like waves of goodness and droplets of pleasures showering over us. His pure love is something nothing else can create. There will be some who will not accept God and all His goodness. Those who do recieve it will have no bondage and gain experiential knowledge of Him. They will see truth to the degree of its meaning.
When the rain comes, we will not have to worry about distractions, or the oppressive atmosphere filtering God's love with deception and confusion. Then, we will not see His love being limited to the knowledge of this world. Our walks with God will no longer be a maturing process because, "Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is" (1 John 3:2). Nobody will be able to dilute God's love with uninspired studies of scripture because the Lord will be the One evangelizing. His unending love will escape no one and there will be no deceit or ignorance. He will drive the enemy out just as he did at Pentacost.
"The time for judging this world has come, when satan, the ruler of this world will be driven out."
John 12:31
God uses parables to relate to us His plan and His truth. Here are a few examples in the bible that refer to The Elisha Rain: the promised former and latter rain (Joel 2:23), and the water that Jesus turned into strong wine for the wedding banquet (John 2:2-11). Let’s look closer at the story about the coming rains. In nature we can find many parallels to God’s truth. In the spring it rains to harvest the winter crops. This is called the former rain. In the fall it rains to harvest the summer crops. This is called the latter rain. In Joel 2:23, Joel talks about the former and latter rain coming in one season. This symbolizes a superabundant harvest. The harvest represents the souls that will reunite intimately with their heavenly Father in The Elisha Rain.
There are biblical characters whose lives also prophesied and revealed God’s mysteries. In 2 Kings 3:14-20, Elisha’s life was prophetic to the coming rain, hence the inspired name The Elisha Rain. Elisha symbolized the double portion of His predecessor Elijah, who represented the former rain at Pentecost. Elijah heard and saw the rain coming to stop the drought (1 Kings 18:41-46), just as Pentecost heard a mighty wind and saw tongues of fire (Acts 2:1-4). In the story of Elisha, it tells us how the promised rain will come in an instant and change the world unexpectedly, “You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water”(2 Kings 3:17).
(Take note that parables and prophecies are like diamonds with many facets. One parable or prophecy can talk about many different revelations with various insights.)
The coming rain is the first seal being broken and we encourage all to rest expectantly on this promise.
“I watched as the lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conquerer bent on conquest.”
Revelation 6 1:1-2
"Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord's return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen."
James 5:7