A Mother’s Revelation
As a mother and a believer, I am convinced that most of children’s natural reactions are God-given instincts to guide and protect them. There are many neural reflexes that newborns have in the first three months like root reflex, sucking and the hand grasp. These responses are to help them to survive and to show the development of their nerves. Later, comes separation anxiety which is the basics of trusting others and learning not to wonder off too far from mommy or daddy. Then, there are other natural tendencies that may not be as noticeable, such as desiring intimacy and attention from loved ones. A child’s yearning for nurture is the foundation of understanding how to give and receive love and how to relate to others and God. It is now obvious that the Lord has placed intuition within our spirit, at birth, for our own good and watching this take place in our children, parents can discover many revelations.
The Lord uses my first born son, as he learns and grows, to reveal secrets to me in the simplest of ways. Biblical ways of parenting and spiritual purposes of children’s survival skills are two examples of what God teaches me while taking care of my son. I love how the Lord takes my son, Elijah, and paints a picture of unfolding mysteries.
One day, I was playing “hide and go seek” with Elijah. I’d peek behind the blanket until he could find me. I wondered, why did babies always seem to enjoy this game so much? I figured that most conscious things that babies do, God placed in them in order to grow and develop. I also thought, what might be the spiritual lesson to this game, since everything that seems to have only a natural benefit, really has a spiritual significance to it. God always uses our everyday circumstances to open our eyes to His beauty.
Then, the Lord reminded me of what I had read about “hide and seek” and “peek-a-boo” in an article. I read that these games teach infants that if something is not in front of them, it still exists, it’s just hidden. Babies have not yet developed their memory, as a result, for the first six months they believe that what they see is what exists. “Hide and seek” also teaches them how to trust that when someone leaves they are faithful to come back. This helps the development of their memory and can sooth separation anxiety.
With faith as a foundation written in their hearts, they can rest assuredly, knowing that Daddy God will never leave them. He will always be where His children can find them. This teaches us to seek after Him (Matt 7:7-8; 6:33), no matter where we are in our relationship with Him.
Then, the Lord spoke to me and said “and I don’t always hide in the same place”. He began to reveal to me what that truly meant. He began to show me how I had been used to communicating with Him and seeing Him in a particular way, but He wanted to show me something new and different.
For two years, my relationship with Him had changed, whereas before we would have an uninterrupted flow of communication between each other, but now, very few times would I hear Him answer me, although, I knew He was with me. He was reassuring me that He had not abandoned me, He just wanted to play “Hide and Go Seek”. He wanted me to find Him in a totally new way than I had approached Him before.
A couple of weeks ago, about five different people were telling me how they, or someone they knew, were talking to God in a particular way that I have never experienced myself. Earlier on the day that I recieved the revelation about “hide and seek”, I tried this new way of communicating with God. After trying this, it felt as though me and God picked up where we had left off. Since then, I have been hearing from Him in the way I was normally comfortable with. Only now, I am aware of how He wants to expand me and I’ve learned to turn to His presence by simply trying something new. He has showed me that there are more gifts that were dormant in my life, that needed to be strengthened.
While playing a game with my son, the Lord revealed to me what was the supernatural lesson to be learned of this game. Now, I can teach my son what the Lord intended for him to learn. If you want revelation, pay attention to your surroundings and ask God what His perspective is. If your relationship with God seems to have drifted, don’t be discouraged. Keep seeking and you WILL find Him. Just remember, He may not be hiding in the same place, causing you to step out of your box.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Matthew 7:7-8
The Lord has been a paraclete to us since we took our first breath, coming alongside of us, until He may abide in us. Thank you Daddy God.